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How Caffeine Can Help To Reduce Hair Loss in Men & Women | Mamoona Ghaffar


"How Caffeine Can Help To Reduce Hair Loss"

Caffeine is a bitter, white crystalline stimulant that belongs to a group of naturally occurring alkaloids of the methyl-xanthine class. It is primarily found in coffee, tea, kola nuts, and cacao beans (Hartfield, 2020).

Caffeine, whether it is found in your coffee or your shampoo, may help with hair loss. It helps keep your body awake and alive whenever you need a little boost – and it seems to do the same for your hair!

What are the causes of hair loss?

Hair loss can be caused by several factors, from stress to genes. Male pattern baldness is the most typical hair loss (Marsh, 2017).

The most common cause of hair loss is Androgenic alopecia caused by DHT- a derivative of testosterone. Some people’s hair is more sensitive to DHT than others. DHT binds to your hair follicles, prevents them from getting vital nutrients, and eventually shrinks them. Ultimately, it may kill the follicles.

How Caffeine Can Help Hair Growth

  • It contains antioxidants

Caffeine helps to stimulate healthy cell production of hairs in both males and females.

To get the only nutrients from your coffee, choose darker beans like French roast or espresso because they contain more antioxidants (BONE, 2016).

  • It stops hair loss
According to research from the International Journal of Dermatology, caffeine is known to be “a stimulator of human hair growth."

In their research on baldness from participants that suffered from DHT, the areas where caffeine was applied directly to follicles showed significant growth as opposed to other areas of the scalp.

Caffeine contains a nutrient that deeply penetrates the scalp to increase the reproduction of hair follicles. From the results, caffeine is now commonly utilized in several hair growth treatments for males (BONE, 2016)
  • It speeds up the hair growth cycle

Caffeine is scientifically proven to hasten the hair growth cycle.

Just ask Dr. Tobias Fischer, a researcher from Germany’s University of Jena, which conducted a study to find the effects of caffeine and hair growth. The study found that the control group that used caffeine saw the quickest hair growth (BONE, 2016).
  • Restores hair growth
Hair loss can occur with age, mostly in men affecting it. Applying coffee topically to hair and therefore the scalp might stop hair loss and promote re-growth.
  • Promotes softer and shinier hair
If your hair appears dull, brittle, and dry, adding caffeine moisturizer can revive its appearance which promotes hair regeneration.
  • Naturally gets rid of gray hairs

Coffee is dark in color and acts like a stain on the hair. This is often a fast fix for hiding grey strands. Use strong coffee like espresso for the most superficial results (Mamoona, 2019).

Which is better: Drinking or Applying Coffee Topically?

Now don’t go start a coffee binge! Consuming coffee will never yield equivalent results as applying it topically. Too much caffeine can negatively affect your overall health, as it could disrupt normal heart function. For you to see results, it’s best to apply coffee topically. (BONE, 2016)

To Conclude: Caffeine not only accelerates the hair cycle and significantly increases the length of the hair from 33 to 40 percent.


G. BONE, (2016, April 02). Naturally Curly. Retrieved August 12, 2020, from How Caffeine Can Help (And Hurt) Your Hair Growth:

W. Hartfield, (2020, April 12). Hair Guard. Retrieved August 12, 2020, from Caffeine and Hair Loss: 3 Ways To Use it for Thicker Hair Growth: (n.d.). Hair Club. Retrieved August 12, 2020, from Can Caffeine, Energize Your Hair Follicles Too?:

Mamoona. (2019, November 07). HealthLine. Retrieved August 12, 2020, from What Are the Benefits of Using Coffee on Men's Hair?: To conclude: not only does caffeine accelerate the hair cycle, but it significantly increases the length of the hair from 33 to 40 percent.

P. Marsh, (2017, March 27). Caffeine: Does it cause or prevent hair loss? Retrieved August 12, 2020, from Hair Loss Advice, Lifestyle, Magazine:


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